Let Us Help You Learn Light Language

Most of us have forgotten that we are truly self-sufficient and able to resolve any issues we perceive to be holding us back from achieving our desires.

There are three parts to a human being: mind, body, and soul. Our workshops and classes are about rediscovering that we are not just a physical body with a brain, but also a soul with a spirit anatomy that completes the connection in balancing the mind and body.

— Ana Noyce

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“Light means knowledge in the Greek language it can also be translated as illumination, knowledge, insight, understanding and wisdom.” — Sunday Adelaja

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Learning often happens in classrooms but it doesn’t have to. Use online courses to facilitate learning experiences no matter the context.

Jan 14, 2020

Amet minim mollit non deserunt ullamco est sit aliqua dolor.

Jan 14, 2020

Velit officia consequat duis enim velit mollit. Exercitation.

Jan 14, 2020

Exercitation veniam consequat sunt nostrud amet.

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